Levalley Chevrolet GMC


Apr 5, 2024

At LeValley Chevrolet GMC, we prioritize the safety and performance of your Chevrolet or GMC vehicle. Your vehicle’s braking system is a critical component in ensuring safe and reliable operation. In this article, we aim to guide you through the importance of recognizing when your vehicle requires brake repair, empowering you to make informed decisions and maintain the optimal performance of your vehicle.

disk and drum brake diagram

Understanding Your Braking System

The braking system in your Chevrolet or GMC vehicle is a complex network of components designed to slow or stop your vehicle when necessary. This system includes various parts such as brake pads, rotors, calipers, and brake fluid, all of which work together to ensure effective braking performance.

Signs Your Vehicle Needs Brake Repair

Unusual Noises

  • If you notice squealing, grinding, or squeaking noises when applying the brakes, it could indicate worn brake pads or damaged rotors.

Vibrations or Pulsations

  • Vibrations or pulsations felt through the brake pedal or steering wheel during braking could be a sign of warped brake rotors.

Reduced Responsiveness

  • A mushy or less responsive brake pedal can indicate air or moisture in the brake lines, or worn brake pads.

Dashboard Warning Lights

  • The illumination of the brake system warning light on your dashboard signals an issue that requires immediate attention.

Importance of Timely Brake Repair


  • A properly functioning braking system is crucial for your safety and that of others on the road. Timely brake repair ensures reliable stopping power, reducing the risk of accidents.

Preventing Further Damage

  • Addressing brake issues promptly can prevent additional wear and tear on other braking components, potentially saving you from more extensive and costly repairs in the future.

Recommended Brake Maintenance Intervals

Regular Inspections

  • We recommend having your vehicle’s braking system inspected as part of routine maintenance, typically every 12,000 miles or as advised in your vehicle’s owner’s manual.

Brake Pad Replacement

  • Brake pads generally require replacement every 30,000 to 70,000 miles, depending on driving habits and environmental factors.

Fluid Checks

  • Regular checks of the brake fluid level and quality are essential in maintaining the effectiveness of the braking system.

Trust LeValley Chevrolet GMC for Brake Repair

At LeValley Chevrolet GMC, our team of skilled technicians is equipped to provide comprehensive brake inspections, repairs, and maintenance services for your Chevrolet or GMC vehicle. Whether you’re experiencing any of the signs mentioned above or are due for routine brake maintenance, we are here to ensure the safety and performance of your vehicle.

Empower yourself with the knowledge to recognize the signs for brake repair, and trust our dealership in Benton Harbor, MI, to deliver exceptional brake repair services that prioritize your safety and satisfaction.